Visceral surgery

Visceral surgery is a surgical discipline intended to treat digestive pathologies which affect the digestive system, the organs concerned are the esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, liver, gallbladder, etc.

We carry out surgical interventions at the Plaza clinic in the best conditions, the service is equipped with the latest generation equipment, and surgeons specializing in visceral pathologies.

Digestive Surgery

Abdominal wall surgery

Proctological surgery

Médecins de service

Dr. Sanoussi Hamza


MBBS, M.D of Medicine

Dr Benihoud Abdelmajid

visceral surgeon

MBBS, M.D of Medicine



MBBS, M.D of Medicine

Dr Houri Azeddine


MBBS, M.D of Medicine

We are at your disposal

If you would like to inquire or make an appointment, contact us!

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