Nos Soins
- Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
- Emergencies and Resuscitation
- Gastroenterology
- Interventional cardiology
- Maternity & gynecology
- Nephrology & Hemodialysis Center (Dialysis)
- Neurosurgery
- Operating theaters
- Ophtalmology
- Pediatric
- Plastic surgery
- Radiology
- The endocrinology department
- Traumatology
- Urology
- Visceral surgery
The Plaza clinic has pediatric care as well as a unit equipped with neonatal resuscitation to care for newborns.
A pediatrician specializing in neonatal resuscitation and midwives are present at all times, they are responsible for this unit.
The infant surgery unit of the PLAZA Clinic:
Infant surgery is a branch of surgery intended for an age group extending from the prenatal period to adolescence. It brings together a wide variety of pathologies of surgical interest.
The Plaza clinic has a modern and sophisticated structure, the surgical platform at the cutting edge of technological innovations designed with respect for hygiene and safety standards.
The surgeons and the entire team are highly qualified and caring, they respond to the specific needs of children and the requirements of parents.
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Médecins de service
We are at your disposal
If you would like to inquire or make an appointment, contact us!