Nos Soins
- Ear, nose and throat (ENT)
- Emergencies and Resuscitation
- Gastroenterology
- Interventional cardiology
- Maternity & gynecology
- Nephrology & Hemodialysis Center (Dialysis)
- Neurosurgery
- Operating theaters
- Ophtalmology
- Pediatric
- Plastic surgery
- Radiology
- The endocrinology department
- Traumatology
- Urology
- Visceral surgery
Emergencies and Resuscitation
The PLAZA Clinic has an emergency service open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we help serious cases and people in need of treatment for injuries, public road accidents, gastric problems, etc. . At reception, the patient will be entrusted to an emergency doctor who will take charge of the case from assessment to treatment or intervention if necessary.
The Plaza Clinic also has an intensive care unit to accommodate its patients; the intensive care rooms are multi-purpose and equipped with the latest generation medical equipment.
- Multipurpose medical and surgical resuscitation
- Post-operative resuscitation
- Resuscitation and emergency
- Latest generation hardware
- Qualified nursing staff. Ophthalmology
Médecin responsable de service
We are at your disposal
If you would like to inquire or make an appointment, contact us!